First I decided to take pictures of both the characters together both side by side and then back to front looking to the side and looking at the camera. I did this because I felt that it could look like dramatic and draw in my target audience.
I then took pictures of them running towards the camera, this was one of my ideas that I had specifically for my film poster. I liked these because it made me feel like I was part of the audience so I thought that it would have that effect on my target audience.
After I took the pictures of them together I then as a last set of pictures I decided to take pictures of them on their own, this was mostly for the magazine cover if I used them. I liked the medium shots I had taken of both the characters as it looked professional and also thought that it suited the style I had thought about for my magazine/poster.
I started by taking pictures of my main character Amy (Sarah Adams) and the pose I wanted for the poster/cover is sort of power like look as if she couldn't be messed with. I did this because I wanted to show that to my audience and then I wanted the character look like she can protect and defend her self.
Then I took pictures of my other main character Sam (Curtis West) and for this pose I wanted it show that he might have a secret and also that he doesn't care what other people think of him. I did this because I wanted to show that he keeps to himself which I feel would be perfect for the audience to see and also keep the same type of pose from my other characters.