Friday, 2 May 2014

Evaluation Question 4!

4. What did you use in media technologies in the construction and research, planning and production stages?

This is a video of all the technologies I had used through out my project. I used these softwares and also go with the what I had done as it I was able to use the appropriate effects for all my media products and I also received good comments from my trailer.

Evaluation Question 3!

3. What have you learned from audience feedback?

Film Poster Feedback

Magazine Cover Feedback

Film Trailer Feedback

What I have learned from my all my audience feedback is that they look like the actual product but could do with some improvements. If I could go back and edit it again I would do all the improvements but overall all my project came out the way I wanted it and also like the actual media products

Evaluation Question 2!

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Film Poster Evaluation 2

I think that the combination of my final poster with the ancillary text is very effective. The text is going down is effective and is all easy to read but it also matches the colour and theme of the final image in the background. The black and white effect on the image is also effective as it allows my text to stand out but also appeals to the text that I had written for the poster. Both in their combination give a very good effective appeal to any audience as it all joins together to give a dramatic feel to it and that was one of my chosen genres for my trailer as both the image and text is dramatic which then makes it very effective. I feel that it looks like an actual poster and both the poster and the ancillary text go well.

                              Magazine Cover Evaluation 2

I feel that the combination of my final magazine cover with the ancillary text is very effective. The text is exactly the way I wanted it and also the colour and font of the text matches both the image and the background of my magazine. The grey faded background looks really good and also works effectively against the image of the actors as it makes them stand out and also matches the colour of their clothing making the magazine look professional. Both in their combination give a very good effective appeal to any magazine reader as it looks professional and also the size, colour and the font of the text go well with the actors and it looks exactly the way I wanted my magazine cover to look like.

Film Trailer Evaluation 2

I feel that the combination of both my trailer footage and the text in it is very effective. The colour of red and white for the text match my poster but also goes with the style of my trailer, the simple style of the text gives it that dramatic feel to the trailer so it goes with the footage especially during the slow motion parts of the trailer. Both the combination of the black and white shots and the text at the end are very effective as it makes it look like an actual trailer which is what I wanted it to do.

Evaluation Question 1!

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My target audience is young adults and the genre is drama, romance and action. The story is that two sisters have broken free from a secret service and move to a new town, when they move into a new town the young one goes into hiding and the eldest goes undercover at the school where she fights to protect their secret. She then sees him and they both find out their secret so by the end of the trailer they are running at each other about to fight.

Film Poster Evaluation

Magazine Cover Evaluation

Film Trailer Evaluation
Secrets Of The Heart Trailer
My film trailer uses many of the conventions used on an actual trailer. For example most trailers have a big bit at the end where there is a tone text about the movie, however there are also some that only have a date and media convergence for example at the end of 'The Amazing Spiderman 2' Trailer all it has is a small bit of text at the end with the date and some social media conventions and I have done that for the end of my trailer. The reason for using that is I felt that it would look better for my trailer and also that it is more commonly used on a trailer now.

The Amazing Spiderman 2 Trailer

It also challenges the forms of a common trailer as it was developed.  For example when the text appears on the screen it appears at different intervals so that it could go with the scene going on and this can be shown in many modern day trailers, one example would be in 'Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones'. I feel that it helped develop the forms of a common trailer as I used a little bit more text and also it gives a slight idea of what the plot line is but also draw in the viewers as they want to know what is going to happen.

The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones Trailer

Finally I think that it also challenges the forms and conventions of a real media trailer. For example I use not only a bit more text than most trailers but I have also had some more effects to it some of which are slow motions and heartbeats. Many trailers for example in older films such as'The Mask' I feel that I have challenged the way trailers are made for example in this trailer most of is a voice over of what the plot line is, however I challenge that type of form and convention by keeping the dialogue at small amounts so that it doesn't give too much which doesn't happen allot in many trailer both past and present. I want my audience not to know too much and make them wonder what is going to happen so by challenging the form and convention of dialogue I was able to put that across.

The Mask Trailer

Thursday, 1 May 2014

The Final Trailer!

After my final poster was chosen, my final magazine was completed and my trailer was edited I had finally got my final trailer. I feel that my trailer came out better than I expected and that I was actually able to show my idea in the way I wanted it to. Here is my final trailer.

I feel that my trailer came out really well and that it showed everything that I wanted it show without giving to much away. I feel that it sets the characters and the storyline up perfectly, the text went with the trailer and the sound went perfectly with the trailer in some ways I feel that in some way it kind of represents a proper trailer which is what I wanted for example 'The Amazing Spiderman 2'.

Overall I think that my trailer came out really well and also that it goes with my poster even though the text is a bit different. I still feel that it works especially with the music, 'Legion' by Brand X Music all music copyright goes to them and is sourced from

The Final Storyboard!

Once I done my final movie poster and magazine poster can come up with the logo and title for my company I then went back to my storyboard and re-did the storyboard so while I filmed my trailer. I used my draft storyboard as a sort of guide to filming my trailer I also changed a couple of the characters and settings. This is my final Storyboard.

The Final Script!

While filming my trailer I went onto looking back at my script and have noticed that I have cut most of the speaking out of my trailer and also changed the dialogue a bit so I decided to go over it do and update during filming so that it matched my final storyboard and my final trailer. This is my final script.

Megan Phipps
Secrets Of The Heart

Shot 1: Company Logo
       Company logo appears with the music over the top ‘Seize The Moment Productions’.
Shot 2: Title Sequence
       Text appears on the screen and fades out in black ‘In 2020’. Music over the top.
Shot 3: Secret Service Building
       ESTABLISHING SHOT of the Secret Service Building, alarm music playing over the shot, shot is in slow motion, fades out to black
Shot 4: Title Sequence
       Text Appears on the screen then fades out to black, alarm still in background ‘Two Sisters Broke Free’.
Shot 5: Amy and Kat Running
       MEDIUM SHOT of Amy (Sarah Adams) and Kat (Kayleigh Phipps) are running from the building in slow motion, fades out to black with alarm still going.
Shot 6: Amy and Kat Fall
       LONG SHOT of Amy and Kat fall onto the ground in slow motion fades out to white, alarm fades out
Shot 7: Title Sequence
       Text appears on the screen and fades out to black ‘And Now They Are On The Run’
Shot 8: Train Passes By
       ESTABLISHING SHOT of a train passing under a bridge and pans down flashes white.
Shot 9: Title Sequence
       Text appears that pans across and fades out to black ‘From The Director Of ‘The Unexpected’’.
Shot 10: Amy and Kat Hugging At Station
       SHOULDER SHOT of Amy and Kat hugging at the train station and flashes out white
Amy: Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.
Shot 11: Company Logo
       Company Logo appears on the screen and fades out to black ‘ HourGlass Productions’.
Shot 12: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘With Her Sister In Hiding, She Goes Undercover’.
Shot 13: Thetford Academy Sixth Form
       ESTABLISHING SHOT of the Thetford Academy Sixth Form changing into different shot.
Shot 14: Title Sequence
       Text appears on the screen and fades out to black ‘Fighting To Keep Their Secret Safe’.
Shot 15: Amy Fights Student (enemy)
       Amy fights a student who is also undercover looking for her (Graham Trotter) black flashes in-between shots fades out to black.
Shot 16: Amy Walking Down Hallway
       SHOULDER SHOT of Amy is walking down the Sixth Form hallway with other students (Marnie Senior) cuts to next shot.
Shot 17: Amy Receives A Phone Call
       BEHIND SHOT of Amy walking down the hallway and answers the phone to Kat cuts to next shot.
Amy: Oh nothing much, I think we’re safe by the way.
Shot 18: Amy Walks By Sam
       POINT OF VIEW and PANNING SHOT from Amy’s eyes watching Sam (Curtis West) go by, heartbeat in the background with music over the top fades out.
Shot 19: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘But Would He Bring Out Her Secret’.
Shot 20: Amy Fighting In Forest
       LONG SHOT of Amy fighting someone in the forest and flashes out white.
Shot 21: Sam Watching Amy Fight
       SHOULDER SHOT of Sam watching Amy fighting someone flashes white out.
Shot 22: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘When His Secret Is Out’.
Shot 23: Sam Fighting In The Forest
       LONG SHOT of Sam fighting someone in the forest fades out to black.
Shot 24: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘Will She Defend Him Or Kill Him’.
Shot 25: Amy Watching Sam Fight
       SHOULDER SHOT of Amy watching Sam fight someone in the forest cuts to black.
Shot 26: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘A Megan Phipps Film’.
Shot 27: Amy Walking In The Forest
       MEDIUM SHOT of Amy walking into the forest in slow motion and flashes out to white.
Amy: I know you’re here
Shot 28: Sam Walking In The Forest
       MEDIUM SHOT of Sam walking in from behind a tree in slow motion fades to black.
Shot 29: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘Curtis West’.
Shot 30: Sam Standing Still
       MEDIUM SHOT of Sam standing still and flashes white.
Sam: I don’t want to do this
Shot 31: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘Sarah Adams’.
Shot 32: Amy Standing Still
       MEDIUM SHOT of Amy standing still and then fades out to black.
Amy: ‘I’m ready for this’
Shot 34: Amy And Sam Running At Each Other
       LONG SHOTS of Amy and Sam running at each other multiple shots with fades between each other.
Shot 35: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘Can’.
Shot 36: Amy Aiming To Hit Sam
       MEDIUM SHOT of Amy getting ready to hit Sam in slow motion and fades out to black.
Shot 37: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘Secrets’.
Shot 38: Sam Aiming To Hit Amy
       MEDIUM SHOT of Sam getting ready to hit Amy in slow motion and fades out to black.
Shot 39: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘Be Kept?’.
Shot 40: Amy And Sam Collide
       MEDIUM SHOT of Amy and Sam about to Collide and fades out to black.
Shot 42: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘Secrets Of The Heart’.

Title For My Trailer!

Once all the footage was filmed and I was able to edit it together I then had to add the title to the trailer 'Secrets Of The Heart'. The text although is different to the style on my poster I feel that it still represents my trailer's genre and style and also allowed me to try a different style of text. This is my final title for my trailer.

Secrets Of The Heart Title

Looking back at my text on my movie poster I feel that the text on the trailer suited it much better than my one on my poster and also I feel that it looks more like the kind of title for my style of trailer and genre. Overall I was happy with both style of texts from my poster and trailer and I feel it goes with the footage and the rest of the text.

Before I wrote the title on my trailer I looked at the different titles to films that are popular and also looked at how it represents the trailer and it's style of text. Some of them I looked at were 'Alice In Wonderland (2010)' and 'Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2'.

Alice In Wonderland (2010) Title

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part Two Title

Brave Title

Hunger Games: Catching Fire Title

The Hobbit Title

Fright Night (2011) Title

Lemony Snicket's: A Series Of Unfortunate Events Title

Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones Title

Company Logo's

Now that I had come up with both my final magazine cover and poster I then I had to work on my trailer. To start with I decided to come up with some company logos to which I later added onto my final movie poster and the company I had used last I would use as my second company logo but for my first company logo I wanted my own logo and company I wanted to have my own company logos and not ones borrowed from real life companies such as 'Paramount' and 'WaltDisney'. These are my own logo and my old company logo.

Seize The Moment Productions Logo
This is my own company logo and I decided to theme the logo after the title of my company 'Seize The Moment Productions'. I decided to call it 'Seize The Moment' because I felt that the title sounded like it would be an actual film company and also because I knew that I wanted something dramatic and appealing to be my target audience and everyone else who would see my trailer. I feel that the image of the black and gold clock with roman numerals would fit in with the white text and style of my company. Overall i feel that this logo looks more professional compared to the one I had used in previous work and also looked more like something I wanted to see on a trailer or poster.

HourGlass Productions Logo
This is my old company logo that I had used in my previous year of Media. I decided to use as the second company logo because all films have to companies the one that made the film 'Seize The Moment Productions' and that people that are associated with the company 'HourGlass Productions'. Overall I feel that the company looks good but I feel that if I could improve on it then I would make it look a bit more appealing and also look at the way I could use the colours a bit more differently.

But before I came up with my logo I did some logo research of the most popular companies. In all the popular company logos they all had an image in the background which represented the title of the company for example 'DreamWorks' have a boy on the moon fishing floating through clouds and this makes it feel dream like, and many other companies have done so. Here are some I had looked at.

DreamWorks Logo                                                   Walt Disney Logo

Warner Brothers Logo

                  Columbia Pictures Logo                                                                         New Line Cinema Logo

Paramount Logo

The Final Magazine Cover!

This is the final three magazine covers for my project which also accompaines my final movie poster. I feel that the drafts for the magazine covers were better than the drafts of my movie poster and also helped me out straight away as it showed the layout of how I wanted the cover to look like. These are my final three magazine covers for my magazine called 'Films 411'.

Because the layout was perfect and showed what I wanted for my magazine all I decided to do was darken the actual image. I did that because i wanted the main image to stand out and also wanted it to look a bit more professional.

Overall the final magazine covers I feel came out perfectly and also represent an actual film based magazine cover for example 'Empire' and 'TotalFilm'. I also feel that it represents a film magazine cover but maybe a more young adult style magazine cover and I feel that it does go with the final movie poster I had come up with.

The idea to have multiple magazine covers for the film was something I had thought about but was helped along the way when I saw one that was done for 'The Avengers' but I knew I was going to do it as a draft idea I didn't know that it would actually happen and I feel that it brought my idea for my magazine into more of a final idea. Overall the magazine cover came out they I wanted it to come out and goes well the images, different styles of text and also the layout of the images and texts.

Empire Magazine                                                                      Total Film Magazine

Drafts For My Magazine Covers!

Once my poster was completed I then went onto developed and drafting up my magazine cover, to do so I looked back at the research I had done and also looked back at the layout I had designed early on in my project. To make my magazine cover I used Photoshop CS5, the same software I used for my poster and I choose this because I felt that my poster came out great and professional so I thought I could try to do the same for my magazine cover.

These were my first three magazine covers I designed and to make mine a bit different compared to other magazines I decided to use the idea of having the magazine to have three different front pages and articles that can be collected which would be the main one and then one each for both the main characters.

 I feel that the layout looked like an actual magazine cover and also that the background made the characters stand out from the rest of the magazine. I decided to use blue and white as my colour for my fonts and grey for my background. I also decided to include images of the first couple of posters that I had done as when I had designed my magazine cover I hadn't finished my final poster just yet.

The title for my magazine I had come up with myself 'Films 411' I chose this title because I felt that it went with the way I wanted my magazine to be seen as and also be noticeable in the stands of a shop if it were an actual magazine. I decided to make the magazine article for all three magazines to be 'Secrets Of The Heart Revealed' as I felt that it would connect with my article and also when it came to the separate magazines I changed the subheading from 'Stars Reveals' to 'She/He' Reveals. I feel that my magazine covers were laid perfectly and also that it went with the idea of what I had for my cover to be presented especially in the posses of the actors.

Overall using Photoshop CS5 has worked out well for my magazine cover and that if I were able to another magazine cover I would use the same software. I feel that my magazine cover would stand out in a shop and also draw in my target audience and even other people. This was going to be the final layout for my final magazine covers.

The Final Movie Poster!

The posters I had done had led to this final posters, I feel that they started out sloppy but as I continued to edit and change things around I feel that it would has made me think more about my poster and I feel that it would appeal to my target audience and also showed how I wanted my idea to be seen by other people. This is the final poster for the movie 'Secrets Of The Heart'.

Secrets Of The Heart Film Poster

I feel that this poster would appeal to my target audience and also came out the way I wanted my poster to come out. In the end I went for a more simple layout like many other posters such as 'The Fault In Out Stars' and one poster from the film 'Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones'. I decided to use both the characters in my poster and also so they are back to back and looking at the camera, I chose this because I felt it would draw my audience in and also looked effect as a poster of the chosen genre. I decided to go for red, white and black as my colour for my text and a more of dramatic style of font the first set of fonts didn't suit the images I had used for the poster also decided to add less text so it focuses on the text and also on the characters. I feel that is the final poster and also that it appealed to my audience which also connected with my idea and the way I wanted it to be laid out.

Fault In Our Stars Poster                                                 Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones Poster