Thursday, 1 May 2014

The Final Script!

While filming my trailer I went onto looking back at my script and have noticed that I have cut most of the speaking out of my trailer and also changed the dialogue a bit so I decided to go over it do and update during filming so that it matched my final storyboard and my final trailer. This is my final script.

Megan Phipps
Secrets Of The Heart

Shot 1: Company Logo
       Company logo appears with the music over the top ‘Seize The Moment Productions’.
Shot 2: Title Sequence
       Text appears on the screen and fades out in black ‘In 2020’. Music over the top.
Shot 3: Secret Service Building
       ESTABLISHING SHOT of the Secret Service Building, alarm music playing over the shot, shot is in slow motion, fades out to black
Shot 4: Title Sequence
       Text Appears on the screen then fades out to black, alarm still in background ‘Two Sisters Broke Free’.
Shot 5: Amy and Kat Running
       MEDIUM SHOT of Amy (Sarah Adams) and Kat (Kayleigh Phipps) are running from the building in slow motion, fades out to black with alarm still going.
Shot 6: Amy and Kat Fall
       LONG SHOT of Amy and Kat fall onto the ground in slow motion fades out to white, alarm fades out
Shot 7: Title Sequence
       Text appears on the screen and fades out to black ‘And Now They Are On The Run’
Shot 8: Train Passes By
       ESTABLISHING SHOT of a train passing under a bridge and pans down flashes white.
Shot 9: Title Sequence
       Text appears that pans across and fades out to black ‘From The Director Of ‘The Unexpected’’.
Shot 10: Amy and Kat Hugging At Station
       SHOULDER SHOT of Amy and Kat hugging at the train station and flashes out white
Amy: Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.
Shot 11: Company Logo
       Company Logo appears on the screen and fades out to black ‘ HourGlass Productions’.
Shot 12: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘With Her Sister In Hiding, She Goes Undercover’.
Shot 13: Thetford Academy Sixth Form
       ESTABLISHING SHOT of the Thetford Academy Sixth Form changing into different shot.
Shot 14: Title Sequence
       Text appears on the screen and fades out to black ‘Fighting To Keep Their Secret Safe’.
Shot 15: Amy Fights Student (enemy)
       Amy fights a student who is also undercover looking for her (Graham Trotter) black flashes in-between shots fades out to black.
Shot 16: Amy Walking Down Hallway
       SHOULDER SHOT of Amy is walking down the Sixth Form hallway with other students (Marnie Senior) cuts to next shot.
Shot 17: Amy Receives A Phone Call
       BEHIND SHOT of Amy walking down the hallway and answers the phone to Kat cuts to next shot.
Amy: Oh nothing much, I think we’re safe by the way.
Shot 18: Amy Walks By Sam
       POINT OF VIEW and PANNING SHOT from Amy’s eyes watching Sam (Curtis West) go by, heartbeat in the background with music over the top fades out.
Shot 19: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘But Would He Bring Out Her Secret’.
Shot 20: Amy Fighting In Forest
       LONG SHOT of Amy fighting someone in the forest and flashes out white.
Shot 21: Sam Watching Amy Fight
       SHOULDER SHOT of Sam watching Amy fighting someone flashes white out.
Shot 22: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘When His Secret Is Out’.
Shot 23: Sam Fighting In The Forest
       LONG SHOT of Sam fighting someone in the forest fades out to black.
Shot 24: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘Will She Defend Him Or Kill Him’.
Shot 25: Amy Watching Sam Fight
       SHOULDER SHOT of Amy watching Sam fight someone in the forest cuts to black.
Shot 26: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘A Megan Phipps Film’.
Shot 27: Amy Walking In The Forest
       MEDIUM SHOT of Amy walking into the forest in slow motion and flashes out to white.
Amy: I know you’re here
Shot 28: Sam Walking In The Forest
       MEDIUM SHOT of Sam walking in from behind a tree in slow motion fades to black.
Shot 29: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘Curtis West’.
Shot 30: Sam Standing Still
       MEDIUM SHOT of Sam standing still and flashes white.
Sam: I don’t want to do this
Shot 31: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘Sarah Adams’.
Shot 32: Amy Standing Still
       MEDIUM SHOT of Amy standing still and then fades out to black.
Amy: ‘I’m ready for this’
Shot 34: Amy And Sam Running At Each Other
       LONG SHOTS of Amy and Sam running at each other multiple shots with fades between each other.
Shot 35: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘Can’.
Shot 36: Amy Aiming To Hit Sam
       MEDIUM SHOT of Amy getting ready to hit Sam in slow motion and fades out to black.
Shot 37: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘Secrets’.
Shot 38: Sam Aiming To Hit Amy
       MEDIUM SHOT of Sam getting ready to hit Amy in slow motion and fades out to black.
Shot 39: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘Be Kept?’.
Shot 40: Amy And Sam Collide
       MEDIUM SHOT of Amy and Sam about to Collide and fades out to black.
Shot 42: Title Sequence
       Text appears across the screen and fades out to black ‘Secrets Of The Heart’.

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