Thursday, 1 May 2014

Drafts For My Poster!

Once I had a go at coming up with some practice posters I then went onto design my poster using my own images. To do this I used Photoshop CS5 software, I decided to use this for creating my poster as I had some experience with it and also I felt that it would make my poster have more of an effect on my target audience. I went through many different styles of pictures, layouts, fonts and effects so that can get an idea of what final poster would be.

 Although I had decided to use Photoshop CS5, I decided to give Serif PhotoPlus a go. These two posters were done on that software and were my first two I had done. I feel that they didn't look the way i wanted it to look and also didn't represent my idea or the genre I had chosen. I knew from their I would go onto using Photoshop CS5 for the rest.

The next four posters I used a dark and grey like effect on the image. i also decided to see if blue, red and white would be perfect for my text. I also changed the tagline the first one was 'Two lovers, Two secrets and a fight for love'. I felt that the tagline was two long and also gave the film away two much so I changed it to 'Can love win the battle to live' I felt that it was better than the first slogan I had before, I also changed the font style and it looked better compared to the first two. I feel that these three posters were an improvement but I knew that none of them would be my final poster.

These four were my final drafts of my poster and looking at them I knew I had the layout the way I wanted it but also the style I wanted the poster to be. I changed the tagline so it was short and simple which also connected to the title which is 'Can secrets be kept'. I also changed the colour to just red, write and black and I feel that it represented my idea. I then decided to keep my poster simple and also added my own logos for my own companies onto the poster. I feel that I have finally had the right layout and colour for my poster. 

I feel that by using Photoshop CS5 it has made me change my poster so much which also improved each time that I had edited the effects and changed the layout of my poster. I knew that from the last poster I had the right layout but needed a different style of text.

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