Thursday, 1 May 2014

Practice Posters!

Before I designed my draft and final movie poster I decided to come up with practice posters using images from Google and I also used the genre research I had done to show what see what I could do with the different genres and then be able to maybe incorporate that into my poster. For my practice poster I used Serif PhotoPlus, I used this because I felt that I needed to learn a new skill on a different software and also see if that would be the right programme to use.

The Change Poster

'The Change' was the first of the practice posters. I used character images from 'Teen Wolf' as I felt that I could use them as a practice run for my posters, I had come up with the title as most of the characters on the show change into supernatural characters so I took that and came up with that title and then because it was a group sort the tagline 'Change can be a group thing') sorted the image above and also I felt that it connected to the title had come up with along with the date 'Change on Oct 9).

Action Style Poster

I then went onto looking at the different genres I had written about for my research side of my project, I also decided to keep with the cast of 'Teen Wolf' but change the title to 'Teen Wolf' instead of 'The Change'. The first genre I decided to look at was Action. I decided to use Scott McCall as the main part of this poster and to make it seem dramatic yet action like which also goes with the genre one example would be 'Indiana Jones'. I decided to use a dark woods image and also a dramatic shot of the character. I also decided to put the text in red so that it would stand out and the text at the bottom was an image I downloaded from Google which is the bottom half of what would be on a poster. I like this poster as I feel that it looks professional and also I felt that it didn't give too much away of the film.

Adventure Style Poster

The next genre I looked at was Adventure. This time I used the four main characters from the show and also used more images that would represent an adventure poster. I decided to use a map as the background image as I felt that most adventures have a map involved for example 'Pirates Of The Caribbean', I also used a compass and a chest to represent an adventure as often they always are looking for something. The text I choose I felt represented the genre perfectly and also that it showed an adventurous theme, I also moved the characters to the top the poster as I felt that it would be different also once it was finished I felt that it suited the poster perfectly. I like this poster as I feel that it does represent the genre and also the tagline 'Adventure of a life time' showed what the film would be about.

Comedy Style Poster

The next genre I looked at was Comedy. To change my poster up a bit so that it was different to the other posters above I decided to theme the comedy around the bad/comedic male characters of the show for example 'Kick Ass 2'. I also decided to use their more serious poses as the tagline I had choose to write would connect and also make it seem like it would be a comedy which is 'Not everything is a laughing matter', I also used a simple brick wall background as I wanted the characters look more appealing and also draw in an audience. I like this poster because all though it is simple it looks and feels that it would be a comedy and also focuses on the characters more.

Crime and Gangster Style Poster

The next genre I looked at was Crime and Gangster. To do this poster I decided to use the Argent family from the show as I wanted the poster seem like the family are a gang of criminals which is often typically shown in that genre for example 'The Godfather' and is in the show which the are a family of hunters, also the weapons they had on the images helped made the poster look even more effect. I chose a bloody background as I felt that it would appeal more to that genre and also the tagline connected to the image which is 'Crime is this family's business'. I like this poster as it represents the genre perfectly, however if I were to improve it I would change the colour of the text so it is a bit more readable.

Horror Style Poster

The next genre I did was Horror. For this poster I decided to base the genre on the teen werewolves on the show so that it would be different to the other posters and also that it would appeal to teenagers specifically for example 'Scream'. I chose a dark wooden slightly bloody background because I felt that it would represent the genre more and the the tagline I had written also connected to the storyline of the characters and it reads 'What happens to one, happens to all'. I like this poster because it showed the genre perfectly especially the text font and the photos of the characters but I would use a more darker red if i could improve it.

Musical Style Poster

The final genre I looked at was Musical. I chose this genre because I felt that it would be a more cheerful one to look at and also I wanted to see if I could show the romance of the characters in the poster. I decided to base it on their love because often musicals about two people falling in love and then singing about it for example 'Grease', that is why the tagline I had chosen showed that storyline 'The music of their love'. I also chose a bright background with musical notes not only to represent the genre and also make it more cheerful compared to what else I had done. I like this poster because of how it is laid out but if I could go back and fix it I would have changed the bottom half of the poster as it didn't look perfectly edited.

After having a go on Serif PhotoPlus I decided not to use for when I go on to coming up with my poster as I felt that it didn't really work for me although most of posters I was happy with and that I had learned a new skill on a different software, I knew that if I wanted a good grade then I would need better software to do it on. Looking back at my posters it showed me that I could layout my poster in different ways and that when I come to making my poster then I would be able to come up with a good composition for my poster.

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